
How might we statement builder

The How Might We statement builder is a tool that allows you to explore potential innovation theses. It’s the perfect way to start with your solution development.

What is this for?

The How Might We statement builder is a tool that allows you to explore potential innovation theses.

Your innovation thesis will be the starting point of your solution development, so be sure to consider all the insights from the problem exploration phase.

Step-by-step guide

Step 1

Review the updated persona(s), customer journey(s), and interview notes.
(30 min)

Step 2

Review the updated persona(s), customer journey(s), and interview notes.
(30 min)

Step 3

Jointly, make at least 5 combinations of possible HMW statements. (10 min)

Step 4

Have a team discussion to decide on your innovation thesis, taking into consideration what this would mean in terms of potential solutions. (40 min)

Tip: Ask for feedback from an outsider

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