Lead the next wave with a future-back AI strategy to drive growth and transformation

AI isn’t just about doing the same things faster or cheaper. We work with leaders to look beyond automation and drive autonomous transformation - leading to growth, efficiency, competitive advantage and a positive impact.

With a future-back approach, we set, stress-test and refine your AI strategy - with a tangible roadmap and business case based on what it takes to implement AI at scale and adopt AI-native operating models.

Key challenges we tackle

Holistic AI strategy

Have you been experimenting with AI, but now it’s time for a holistic strategy? We help companies craft a portfolio of solutions that span efficiency to growth.

Practical prioritization

Do you have a roadmap of AI solutions, but it lacks coherence? We help organizations to cut through the noise and figure out what matters most.

Growth optimization

Have you figured out how to drive efficiencies, but want to look at growth opportunities? We help companies explore the opportunities that lead to disruptive revenue growth.

Data strategy and monetization

Are you figuring out how to clean, structure and monetize your data? We help companies identify how to make the most of what they have and set a future strategy for how they will make data a competitive advantage

The impact
of AI

Like other transformative technologies, AI adoption will follow three waves

Wave 1

Time, Cost, Efficiency

This is where we are largely focused today. Businesses are using AI to streamline operations, cut costs, and increase efficiency.

Wave 2

Quality, Better Output

The next wave is about using AI to enhance quality. This is where AI isn’t just making processes faster, but it is making them better.

Wave 3

New Systems, Transformation

The final wave is transformative. It’s about creating entirely new ways of doing things. AI isn’t just speeding up existing workflows or improving output—it’s changing the game.

Insights from our AI strategy webinar

Set a solid AI strategy to unlock the true value of AI. Watch the full recording.

Our approach to AI strategy

Understand the potential impact of AI on your business, identify future market drivers and how to reinforce competitive advantage

Develop a roadmap of future solutions across three Waves – from efficiency plays to transformative new systems and experiences

 Create actionable steps to realize growth, efficiency, and positive impact – with a clear business case on how to fuel innovation, new technology and AI-native operating models

Becoming a leader through AI strategy: Our perspective

Autonomous transformation is now the biggest driver of growth

Say goodbye to digital transformation. The emergence of autonomous workflows, services, products and organizations is the new driver of transformational growth

AI strategy requires imagination of previously impossible futures

Leaders need to anchor themselves in the future possibilities of AI – thinking imaginatively about impacts on business and society – not focus on what today’s chatbots can do

Adopting AI will, in itself, not lead to a competitive advantage.

The real value comes from implementing an AI strategy that touches upon and synchronizes all areas of the business – from leadership to data and ways of working

Transformative impact will come from new systems and experiences

Businesses focusing too much on efficiency are making a mistake. Leaders need to calibrate AI strategy across efficiency gains, quality improvements and transformative solutions

For every dollar spent on technology, spend two on people and change

Businesses will not be able to capture the value of AI unless they transform the way they work – integrating new skills, mindsets and AI-native workflows that disrupt traditional structures

AI should have a positive impact on life - not just be ‘responsible’

AI offers the potential to make human life better – we need to look beyond reducing negatives such as bias and data privacy concerns, and identify how AI can create positive societal impact

Get in touch

Let’s talk about setting your strategy