
Tech & trends matrix

A tool to generate hundreds of focussed ideas, with the inspiration of the latest trends.

What is this for?

Do you need to come up with innovative ideas?

The “tech & trends matrix” helps you:

  • To introduce your team to new technologies and trends that can trigger innovative ideas. Explaining each technology and trend by using inspiring startup and corporate innovation examples makes these high-level concepts extremely actionable.
  • To explore how specific trends and technologies can impact the challenges at hand.

Step-by-step guide

Step 1

Download this PDF and print it on an A2. You can also draw it out on a sheet of paper if you can’t print.

Step 2

Frame your challenge.

Pro-tip: “How might we…“: these three little words set the team in a direction that is solution-oriented (how), optimistic (might), collaborative (we).

Step 3

Select relevant Social/Tech Trends. Aim to select around 8 Trends. For an example of a HMW/trends inspiration deck click here.

Step 4

Ask participants to define 4 HMW statements related to the challenge at hand.

Step 5

Give the HMW/trends presentation.

Step 6

Ask people to select 4 trends they find inspiring.

Pro-tip: provide handouts of your tech and trends presentation.

Step 7

Ask the participant to ideate on each HMW statement and use the selected trends as triggers to come up with new ideas.

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