
Dimensional designer

Get in the headspace of your consumers’ behavior and analyze how well your value proposition overlaps with consumer needs.

What is this for?

This tool is divided into two parts, leveraging the Dimensional Design Framework at its best.

The first tool helps you to get you in the headspace of your target audience and consider how they would react to your business, your offered services, or your products – all in the context of the ecosystem you inhabit.

The second, the spider web, highlights the fact that not all dimensions are important for every context. Therefore, it helps you choose the more relevant dimensions for you, looking at the future, and nudges you to reflect on how well your business’ value proposition overlaps with consumers’ needs.

Step-by-step guide

Step 1

This tool is intended to get you in the headspace of your target audience. Grab a sticky (the crazier the shape the better), and place where your current and future consumers would fall across each dimension, are they on the fringes or more in the middle? Now that you’ve mapped it out, is your future and present consumer the same or different? How and why?

Step 2

Not all dimensions will be relevant, which are the most important to you? Pick the top 4 system triggers that influence your consumers' behavior the most and add them to this spider matrix. Remember, these dimensions are not definitive, and you should also think about any extra-dimensions that you could add that are particularly important for your consumer.

Step 3

Once you’ve done this, get your pens out and color in where your consumer sits across the spider diagram. Have a play and add different shades or shapes to outline the level of importance of each, and where the potential consumer shifts may happen.

Step 4

Reflect: how well does your business' value proposition, products or services overlap with the needs of a consumer like this? Think about what you can do to capture consumers on the fringes. Do this in combination with the Dimensional Cards which show examples of how businesses meet the consumer needs of each fringe.

Step 5

Try and think outside the box, how can you meet your consumers at the fringe, or get into that other dimension!

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