AI-powered Innovation Sprint

Unlock the power of AI in a unique sprint format. Leverage the latest AI tools to generate new ideas, get real-time feedback, and curate new concepts to move forward with.

One week,
50+ validated concepts

Using Creative AI as co-pilot to super charge your innovation process. In one week we will generate 100s of ideas, test them against AI-modeled personas, and make them come to life through various rounds of design. Experience the exponential breadth and speed of AI – running a month’s long project in just 1 week.

Groundbreaking agility and creativity. What a team, what a way to use AI.

Marcello Formisano | Head of Insights at Tata Consumer products

Key benefits from running an AI-powered Innovation Sprint

Idea generation beyond human imagination

AI can help you turn your data into actionable insights quickly and easily. It can help you make sense of your data and turn it into useful information that can be used to inform decisions and drive innovation. AI can provide you with valuable insights that can help you make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

Concept design on steroids

AI can help accelerate concept creation by quickly generating ideas and expanding on existing concepts. It can provide insights into potential opportunities and increase efficiency in the innovation process. By leveraging AI, organizations can quickly generate more creative and innovative solutions, making the innovation process faster and more efficient.

Your team, supercharged
by AI

The use of AI in the innovation process empowers your team with real-time quantitative market validation, enabling quick assessment of idea potential and informed decision-making. Leveraging AI accelerates measuring consumer interest and market trends, facilitating efficient and effective decision-making.

The approach

Experience what human + machine means for innovation. Have your team experience the use of Creative AI first hand, through a highly structured sprint, run by Board of Innovation experts and supercharged by the latest Creative AI tools.


Strategy & Data analysis

Let AI define future directions and help you make data-driven decisions on big moves
Aligned perspectives on the potential of creative AI

Trend research and strategy made applicable through AI

List pros and cons of opportunity spaces, generate a SWOT analysis, conduct multi-criteria/causal analysis to weigh strategic options

Bing AI
Enrich research on key strategic questions (with sources)

Day 1

Exponential Insights

AI generated insights into what drives behavior to generate empathy.

Instant qualitative & quantitative input from

Clear strategic rationale behind prioritized opportunity spaces

Use your existing research. Ask questions and get answers about any file instantly.

Chat GPT
Get input for journeys, persona’s, interview scripts, etc.

Day 2

Exponential Ideation

Push the envelope and generate more ideas faster using generative AI tools.
+300 ideas created based on consumer insight

Automated idea clustering & visualization

Visualize early concepts in no time. What takes days is done in hours.

Create dozens of divergent possibilities and ideas

Day 3

Exponential Design

Use generative AI to turn early concepts into realistic prototypes you can put in front of consumers.
50+ visual concepts

Overnight qualitative feedback on 50+ concepts

Quickly building landing pages and websites

Generate realistic branded product photography

Day 4

Exponential Validation

Optimize the experimentation engine using Generative AI tools to get to early concept validation.
10+ high-fi concepts

Roadmap for concepts (incl. 1 quant test per concept)

Data analysis around consumer intent, pricing, and so much more

Test and optimize ad assets and get instant feedback using pre-tests

AI will not replace innovators. But innovators who use AI will replace those who don’t.

- Philippe De Ridder, CEO

I want to know more about AI-powered Innovation Sprints:

Other AI services

Check out how we can help you use creative AI in your innovation process.
Experience the power of Human + Machine.


Autonomous Innovation Engine

Get in touch to learn more about AI-powered sprints



JUNE 5 & 6