But first: what is Strategy?
A strategy is all about integrating organizational activities and utilizing and allocating the scarce resources within the organizational environment so as to meet the present objectives.
Strategy is the blueprint of decisions in an organization that shows its objectives and goals, reduces the key policies, and plans for achieving these goals, and defines the business the company is to carry on, the type of economic and human organization it wants to be, and the contribution it plans to make to its shareholders, customers and society at large.

Corporate-startup partnership mapper
Use this tool to map and clarify the responsibilities and goals of your corporate-startup partnership.

Innovation matrix
A complete overview of innovation programs: you define the benefits you expect from your innovation strategy, the innovation matrix will show you the most suitable program to activate.

Innovation blueprint
This is a tool that we introduce on day 2 and 4 of the innovation strategy sprint. It is where your team creates a clear master structure for its innovation strategy.
It starts with defining the intended outcome of your innovation program and ends with a concrete action plan. It is a 4-part process that looks in detail at all aspects of what needs to be covered before implementation begins.
You pin down the desired innovation results and measure the projected impact.
We do this using tools such as the 3 horizons of innovation, to categorize business ideas, and the innovation matrix tool, to evaluate what type of activity you will undertake, and establish the level of investment.
When you’ve completed this blueprint, you will have a detailed sketch of the scope, people involved, resource allotment, and project phases.

Innovation landscape
Distinguish new concepts and projects between the different (often highly confused) innovation types.

3 horizons model
A widely used tool in the strategic field, McKinsey’s 3 horizons model helps you discuss growth strategy in relation to the core business over the months and years ahead.

Innovation mission map
This is a tool that you will use on Day 1 of our new innovation strategy sprint. It is where you will define the overarching objective and then divide it into three main parts. But to do this, you first need to look at all the factors affecting your innovation decisions, both internal and external.

Venture capital readiness checklist
Use this self-assessment checklist to ensure that you are ready for venture capital and that you are pitching the right information to potential investors.
Explain your investment opportunity in a structure reflecting investors’ needs. Be concise and cover all relevant aspects of your business, using the points on the checklist.